Global trends and applied technology on Mining and Metals Central Asia 2019
On September 18-20, 2019 Almaty will host the 25th Anniversary Exhibition Mining and Metals Central Asia 2019.
Mining and Metals Central Asia 2019 is a professional platform to demonstrate achievements of Kazakhstani and foreign manufacturers of equipment, services, and developments in the field of mining and metallurgy. The Exhibition facilitates expanding of business contacts of manufacturers and suppliers with the specialists of mining enterprises, mining and processing works, wholesale trade companies and other representatives of the industry.
Annually, the event gathers in Almaty hundreds of participating companies and thousands of visitors - manufacturers and suppliers of equipment, representatives of mining and metallurgical holdings, academics, governmental agencies. Participation in this event allows to demonstrate innovations, assess the competitiveness of produced products and potential of competitors, find investors and partners, share the experience with colleagues. For a quarter of a century, the exhibition has proven that it is an effective dialogue platform for solving the problems, which the mining and metallurgical complex of Kazakhstan faces.
At present, 250 companies from 23 world countries have confirmed their participation, such as: Australia, Austria, Belarus, Belgium, United Kingdom, Germany, Israel, India, Italy, Kazakhstan, Canada, China, Norway, the Netherlands, Poland, Russia, USA, Turkey, Ukraine, Finland, France, Czech Republic, Switzerland.
The collective and national stands are represented by the manufacturers from Austria, Germany, Canada, China, Norway, Poland, and Finland.
On the site with the size of more than 4,000 thousand square meters, the exhibition will present machinery, equipment, and technologies for the mining industry, mining, and processing plants, solutions for mining safety, digitalization, automation, and much more.
Participants of Mining&Metals CA 2019 are leading producers of mining industry, such as: AK MACHINERY, Alpha Safety, Bohnenkamp, Distritech, DRESSTA, Engineering Centre, FLSmidth, Eurasian Machinery, Gateway Ventures, KAZ T - REMA INTERNATIONAL, KAZPROM AVTOMATIKА, KOMATSU MINING CORP, KULAN OIL, LEICA GEOSYSTEMS KAZAKHSTAN, Metso Minerals, Mining & Drilling Services, Mining Element, Nurdox Wear Solutions, Outotec, Sevalo Engineering Machinery Kazakhstan, thyssenkrupp Industrial Solutions Kazakhstan, Weir Minerals, AUTOTECHINMASH, BelKazComplectService, Vostokelectroprivod, EUROSPETSARMATURA, KAMAZ TRADE COMPANY, Compozit NPO, KORUND GMK, Sandvik Mining and Construction Kazakhstan Ltd., Sever Minerals, SILUMIN-VOSTOK, SPETS-AVTO, Uralmashzavod, Epiroc Central Asia and many others.
The exposition will present the following sections: open-pit mining; minerals processing; mineral exploration; geological exploration; metalworking; laboratory and analytical equipment; natural resources transportation; environmental management; industrial safety; engineering and construction of mining enterprises; equipment for the mining and metallurgical complex; services in the mining and metallurgical industry (consulting); spare parts and components for machinery and equipment; software; radio-electronic and computing equipment.
Besides, the event is complemented by a massive business program, which includes events on the most acute topics. Annually, within the framework of the exhibition, there are industry-related round tables, presentations, and workshops, which will discuss different technical issues, as well as prospects for cooperation and investments projects.
In parallel with the Mining & Metals Central Asia exhibition, there will be the 16th Kazakhstan International Exhibition “Road and Industrial Construction, Municipal Equipment” - Kazcomak 2019 and the 23rd Kazakhstan International Transport and Logistics Exhibition - TransLogistica Kazakhstan 2019.
The organizers of the events are Iteca Kazakhstan company with its international partners: ITE Group Plc (Great Britain), GIMA (Germany), EUF (Turkey), ITE China (China), ITE Poland (Poland), ITE Asia Pacific (Malaysia).
Annually, the exhibitions are officially supported by the Ministry of Industry and Infrastructure Development of RK, Committee of Geology and Subsoil Use of the MINT RK, Association of Mining and Metallurgical Enterprises of RK, National Mining Company Tau-Ken Samruk JSC, Kazgeology JSC, Akimat of Almaty city and diplomatic missions of participating countries.
To get a free ticket to the Exhibition
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