30th Central Asian International Mining Exploration & Mining Equipment Exhibition

30th Central Asian International Mining Exploration & Mining Equipment Exhibition

X International Mining and Metallurgical Congress Astana Mining&Metallurgy takes place in Nur-Sultan city

The first day of the X Anniversary Congress Astana Mining&Metallurgy (AMM) was productive.

The Congress Program was opened by the plenary meeting "Strategy of the Global Mining Industry Development", where mining leaders shared their companies' experience in the field of development in terms of the digital industry.

During his welcome speech on the Congress opening ceremony, Minister of Industry and Infrastructure Development of RK Roman Sklyar identified main strategic directions for MINING development. "Our Government faces the task on critical elaboration and organization of resource-based industries, approaches to natural resources management, modernization of production, including best technologies transfer and update of legislation. Today, when Kazakhstan has the necessary environment and resources to achieve its global goals, our main task is to unlock the potential”, - said the Minister.

This year's Congress for the first time was the setting for Mining Challenge -2019 hackathon for starting entrepreneurs, programmers, and start-uppers. According to the defined tasks, the participants found solutions and created prototypes for mining companies for 24 hours, using different tools and information technologies. Such solutions will allow companies to optimize the management of production processes, industrial safety, human resources, and financial flows. Based on competition results, the winners will get money prize and the opportunity to participate in a program of acceleration of their projects in the workplace or at the enterprise.

The organizers of the AMM 2019 Congress together with the Innovation Partner - Tech Garden - set as the primary goal of Hackathon - the involvement of corporations into practical digitalization using point IT-solutions and expansion of competence of Kazakhstani IT-services suppliers.

We remind that this year's AMM Congress has a new discussion format. The main feature is a Digitalization and investment horizons.

On different discussion platforms of the events, such companies as SAP, Hatch, FLSMIDTH, FreeportMcMoRan share their successful cases on implementation of digitalization projects with local enterprises. It is necessary to notice, that implementation of cyber-physical systems, big data analysis, and other Industry 4.0 technologies makes possible to reduce production and transportation costs, optimize business processes, introduce new business models, significantly increase the competitiveness of an industrial enterprise.

The first day of the Congress was finished by the Golden Hephaestus official awards ceremony, where the best geologists, miners, metallurgists of the year, and advanced enterprises, best student works, as well as best journalists, whose works facilitated promotion of mining activity were awarded.

This year, 711 delegates from 19 world countries take part in the Congress.

The state partner of the AMM 2019 Congress and Exhibition is the Ministry of Industry and Infrastructure Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Golden Partners: Eurasian Group (ERG), Kazzink LLP, KAZ Minerals Group, Corporation Kazahmys LLP.

Organizers: Iteca Kazakhstan Exhibition company and its international partner ITE Group of companies.

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