30th Central Asian International Mining Exploration & Mining Equipment Exhibition

30th Central Asian International Mining Exploration & Mining Equipment Exhibition

Kazakhstan is preparing to host the World Mining Congress in 2018

The mining and metallurgical sector of Kazakhstan plays an important role in ensuring overall economic growth in the country, especially during the realization of the state industrial and innovation program until 2020. Today, the experts note a rapid growth in the MMC sector, and are confident that the mining and metallurgical industry, one of the driving forces of economic development, will provide not only extraction, but also production of high quality products. Hence, holding the World Mining Congress in 2018 in Astana becomes an important engine for the development of the industry.

The World Mining Congress (WMC) is an international non-governmental organization that brings together mining professionals from 49 countries. The main task of the Congress is to promote scientific and technical cooperation for the progress in the sphere of mining science and technology, as well as environmental protection and industrial safety. In the framework of the Congress an international exhibition, as well as technical tours, giving the possibility to learn about scientific institutions and industrial enterprises of the hosting country, will be held.

The international event will be held on the basis of the IX International Mining and Metallurgy Congress and Exhibition “Astana Mining & Metallurgy” - AMM 2018, which has been gathering highly skilled professionals on its platform and enhancing international cooperation and diversification of the MMC sector for several years. “Holding the World Mining Congress in Kazakhstan in 2018 will contribute, first of all, to fulfilling the investment potential of the mining industry, attracting global companies and junior companies. The AMM Mining and Metallurgical Congress has already been held seven times in Astana, so we have gained good experience in hosting international events of this scale”, - said Albert Rau, First Vice Minister of Investments and Development of Kazakhstan, Deputy Chairman of the National Organising Committee of the WMC 2018. It is important to note that Kazakhstan will host the 25th Anniversary World Mining Congress on the occasion of its 25th Anniversary of Independence.

On October 21 in the framework of the WMC 2016 in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) the solemn transfer of the baton for the right to host the WMC to Kazakhstan was held. More than 2,000 global mining industry experts from 34 countries, including the representatives of the Ministry of Investments and Development of Kazakhstan, the heads of the mining companies, the leading experts and scientists, the suppliers and providers of services to Kazakhstan’s mining industry participated in the work of the World Mining Congress. According to the Deputy Chairman of the Committee of Industrial Development and Industrial Safety of the Ministry of Investments and Development of the RK Kanat Baitov at the ceremony of passing the baton of the WMC in Rio de Janeiro, for Kazakhstan the mining and metallurgical complex is one of the key areas of the economy. In total structure of industrial production the MMC sector accounts for 18%. “For this very reason holding the World Mining Congress in 2018 in Astana is the most important event for us, which will certainly have a positive impact on the whole sector of the country. I am confident that drawing on our experience and knowledge gained today, we will be able to hold the WMC 2018 at the highest international level”, - said Kanat Baitov at the closing ceremony of the WMC.

Currently, the National Organizing Committee for preparation for the World Mining Congress – 2018, consisting of the government agencies and business institutions, operates. The operator of the event is the exhibition company Iteca, which has been holding the largest exhibitions and conferences all over Kazakhstan for more than 20 years.

The international project will certainly be an additional impetus for the development of the mining and metallurgical complex, and the influx of new efficient technologies. We would like to highlight that MMC is the most competitive and dynamic sector of the industry in Kazakhstan. According to the total volume of mining of solid minerals the country takes the 13th place in the world among 70 mining countries.

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