30th Central Asian International Mining Exploration & Mining Equipment Exhibition

30th Central Asian International Mining Exploration & Mining Equipment Exhibition

Three largest exhibitions MiningWorld Central Asia, Kazcomak and Metaltech 2016 were opened in Almaty

September 14 was the opening date of the three largest metallurgical sector exhibitions – 22nd Central Asian International Exhibition on "Mining Equipment, Extraction and Enrichment of Ores and Minerals" - MiningWorld Central Asia 2016, 13th Kazakhstan International Exhibition on "Road and Industrial Building, Municipal Equipment" - Kazcomak 2016 and 2nd Kazakhstan International Exhibition on "Technologies and Equipment for Metalworking" - Metaltech 2016.

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In 2016, 250 specialized companies from 24 countries participate in the exhibitions, including Israel, Spain, Canada, China, Poland, Russia, USA, Switzerland, Czech Republic, South Korea and others. National groups are represented by countries such as Australia, Germany, Norway, Turkey and France.

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The official opening ceremony of MiningWorld Central Asia 2016, Kazcomak 2016 and Metaltech 2016 took place on 14 September at 11:00 on the territory of 9B pavilion of “Atakent” KCBC. The ceremony was attended by representatives of Almaty local government, the Committee for Geology and Subsurface Resource Management, Association of Mining and Metallurgical Enterprises, Ministry for Investments and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan, “Tau-Ken Samruk” oil and gas complex, as well as representatives of foreign states - consuls and authorized persons from more than 10 countries. "Many foreign companies are represented at the exhibition. Of course, this indicates a high international level and support from foreign countries. Kazakhstan has a large territory, resource potential, as well as the willingness to welcome investors. I am confident that MiningWorld Central Asia in 2016, Metaltech 2016 and Kazcomak 2016 exhibitions will assist at development of the mining and metallurgical sector of Kazakhstan", - said Kalizhan Kulmanov, Director of the Department for Roads and Bridges Constructions of the “Kazakhstan Road Research Institute” JSC.

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In the framework of the exhibition, a press conference on behalf of the German Embassy in Kazakhstan was conducted, the main theme of which was participation of German companies in the MiningWorld Central Asia 2016 exhibition, as well as the potential for cooperation between the two countries. A joint German stand was presented at the exhibition, where the 15 largest German companies demonstrated the latest equipment and technologies of the industry. The Consul General of the Federal Republic of Germany in Almaty Jørn Rosenberg made a welcoming speech at the press conference.

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On September 14, visitors and guests had a busy agenda: workshops, round tables and presentations of niche profile companies were held. South African Embassy in the Republic of Kazakhstan conducted a round table discussion on "Geology and Mining Industry in South Africa: Potential for Cooperation", which described the prognostic resources, the dynamics of the development of industries, as well as on the volume of production and possibilities for future cooperation with foreign partners.

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On 15 September, the second day of exhibitions, seminars of the “Centr Kompetencii GMK"," Scantech", "Axter", "ToroTek Simulation" LLC companies are planned. Deswik Europe Limited exhibitor company will hold its one-day seminar on "Deswik: Solutions for Effective Mine Planning." The workshop will include topics such as "Optimizing Equipment Performance by Improving the Accuracy of Planning", "Planning Blending, Modeling of Material Flows, Warehouse Management with Deswik Means" and others.

Also, for all those present at the exhibition ThoroughTec Simulation Company will make a presentation on the topic "Effective Investment in Human Capital. Implementation of CYBERMINE ™ Training Complexes in Training Program of Specialists on Operation of Mining Equipment." In light of the continuing lack of high qualification specialists in remote areas, the company offers advanced integrated solutions in the field of training on management of high-tech and operation high cost equipment.

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Official support for the event is provided by the Ministry for Investments and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Association of Mining and Metallurgical Enterprises, "Kazgeologiya" National Geological Survey Company» JSC, "Tau-Ken Samruk", Trade Mission of the Russian Federation in Kazakhstan. Event organizers are Iteca Kazakhstan Exhibition Company and its international partner - ITE Group PLC (Great Britain).

Official websites of the exhibitions: http://miningworld.kz/ru/, http://www.metaltech.kz/ru/ and http://kazcomak.kz/ru/


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