30th Central Asian International Mining Exploration & Mining Equipment Exhibition

30th Central Asian International Mining Exploration & Mining Equipment Exhibition

Week of Mining and Metallurgical Complex in Almaty

From 16 to 18 September, in the City of Almaty, whole four major pavilions of the exhibition centre “Atakent” will traditionally unite three events:

  •  21st Central Asian International Mining Exploration & Mining Equipment Exhibition – MiningWorld Central Asia 2015;
  •  12th Kazakhstan International Road and Heavy Construction, Communal Machinery Exhibition – Kazcomak 2015;
  •  1st Kazakhstan International Metalwork Technologies and Equipment Exhibition Metaltech Central Asia 2015.

More than 280 companies and 350 brands from 26 countries worldwide take part in the events; they represent services and equipment for mining and metallurgical complex, public utility services, and road construction. National stands present expositions of Australia, Germany, China, Norway, Turkey, and Finland. 50 units of specialised equipment from 10 countries will be showcased on the open area.

Traditionally, the exposition will present key industry stakeholders, which include such brands as Aramine, ARB, Atlas Copco, Bradken, Caterpillar, Coletance, Composit, Doosan, Dow, Dressta, FLSmidth, JCB, Metso Minerals, Outotec, Sandvik, Sulzer, Tega, Thyssenkrupp, Toyota, Trelleborg, Volvo, XCMG, Zoomlion, BelTechSnab, Volgaburmash, Kanmash, Spetsmash, and many others.

There will be organised a specialised visit to the exhibition of delegations from major user groups of services and equipment, leaders in the sector of mining and metallurgical complex of the Republic of Kazakhstan – companies like ERG, Kazakhmys, Kazgeology, Tau-Ken Samruk, and others.

On 16 September, in the framework of the business program of the exhibition, the Engineering Firm “Oriental Co. Ltd” holds a symposium “Perspectives of Construction of a Processing Complex at the Gold-Content Mining of Dolinnoye Minefield”. On 17 September, a round table “Development Prospects of New Kinds of Mining Equipment in Kazakhstan” will be held, organised by the Association of Mining and Metallurgical Enterprises of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Traditionally, Russian companies have expressed high interest in participation in the exhibitions. With the participation of the Embassy of the Russian Federation, on 17 September, a one-day seminar by the National University of Science and Technology MISiS will be held, and on 16 September, a fair of contacts with enterprises of the Region of Sverdlovsk will be organised.

Reflecting the industry trends given the current market conditions, the participants’ expositions and the program of the exhibition enshrine innovativeness, energy efficiency and scientific capacity of the presented technologies and processes.
Permanent organisers of the events are Kazakhstan company Iteca together with the international partners ITE Group Plc.

Official support to the projects is annually provided by the Ministry of Investments and Development of the RK, Association of Mining and Metallurgical Enterprises of the RK, JSC National Mining Company Tau-Ken Samruk, JSC Kazgeology, Almaty City Akimat, and diplomatic missions of participating countries.

Official websites of the exhibitions: www.miningworld.kz, www.metaltech.kz, www.kazcomak.kz.
Contact person: Litvinenko Larissa, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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