30th Central Asian International Mining Exploration & Mining Equipment Exhibition

30th Central Asian International Mining Exploration & Mining Equipment Exhibition

Kazakhstan’s Mining and Metallurgy Industrial policy to be discussed at the Congress in Astana

One of the significant events of the mining and metallurgy industry - the 6th International Congress "Astana Mining & Metallurgy" (AMM 2015), which will be attended by about 600 delegates from 18 countries and will be held at the Palace of Independence in Astana on June 17-18.

The organizers of the event are: the Ministry for Investment and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Kazakhstani exhibition company Iteca and its international partner ITE Group Plc (UK).

The main theme of the AMM 2015 Congress is "Mining & Metallurgy Industrial Policy: Investment, Modernization, Production". In 2015, Kazakhstan switched to the second five-year Program of industrial and innovative development, according to which MMI is one of the priorities. In 2014, the industry provided 18% of gross added value in the country's economy and accounted for 2.9% of employment in Kazakhstan. Today, MMI is facing the challenges of producing high value added products and finished goods, as well as the introduction of innovative, science-intensive technologies. The government is implementing the "Plan of development of rare-metal industries of mining and metallurgical complex of Kazakhstan for 2015-2019", implying legal and regulatory support of the industry; improving the state system of industry regulation; providing mineral resources; scientific and technological support for the creation and development of Kazakhstan's industry; creating and expanding rare metal production facilities.

In this connection, the plenary session of AMM will discuss issues of attracting investments into the mining industry of Kazakhstan. Among session speakers will be: First Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan Mr. Bakhytzhan Sagintayev, Minister of Mines and Mining of Afghanistan Mr. Daud Shah Saba, Chairman of the Board of KAZ Minerals Plc Mr. Oleg Novachuk, Vice-President of the Korean National Corporation "Korea Resources Corporation" KOPEC Mr. Shin Ki Hym, and others.

The roundtable discussions and sessions will feature the following reports and presentations on the following topics:
- Prospects for development of coal Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
- Development of gold mining industry, introduction of new technologies in the refining companies, and consolidation of efforts in the processing of Kazakhstani raw materials containing precious metals;
- Energy efficiency as a factor of mining and metallurgical industry development;
- Made in France: increased performance with French companies;
- Human Resources for MMI.

Chief executives of the National companies, large mining and smelting enterprises, service companies and international agencies, representatives of science and business from Afghanistan, Australia, Great Britain, Kazakhstan, Canada, China, Kyrgyzstan, Turkey and France will speak at the Congress.

For the past six years, AMM has been an effective dialog platform for industrial, consulting companies, financial and scientific institutions from different countries, as well as a meeting place for government agencies and businesses. The upcoming event will host several B2B and G2B meetings and negotiations.

At the same time, AMM will demonstrate the latest achievements of the industry, introduction of advanced and innovative technologies of foreign and domestic companies. Exhibition area of the Congress will consist of 37 exhibits from 9 countries. A new section of the exhibition - "Made in Kazakhstan for MMI" presenting local products will open this year.

On June 17 at 2.00 p.m., the Congress will be a place where bilateral cooperation documents will be signed:
1. Letter of Intent between JSC "Kazgeology" and the South Korean National Corporation "KOREA RESOURCES CORPORATION" on possible joint projects in the field of base metals exploration in Novokrestyanskiy and Cherkasovskiy areas of the East Kazakhstan region;
2. Joint Activities Agreement (Consortium agreement) for the exploration of non-ferrous and precious metals in Besshokinskaya area in the Karaganda region between JSC "Kazgeology" and LLP "Ulmus Besshoky".

Among the regular participants of the Congress are AMM 2015 Gold partners: "Kazzink", "ERG", "KAZ Minerals"; AMM 2015 Silver partners - "Kazakhmys Corporation", "Aktobe Copper Company"; AMM 2015 Bronze partners - "Kazakhaltyn" and "SAP".

AMM 2015 will be held under the official support and participation of "Samruk-Kazyna", "Tau-Ken Samruk", "Kazgeology", "AMME", "NCE", "World Mining Congress" and "CERBA".

On June 17, a solemn ceremony of awarding the winners of the National industrial contest "Golden Hephaestus" will take place; General Partner of the contest is Eurasian Group. 110 applications in 12 categories have been filed to participate in the contest. The aim of "Golden Hephaestus" is to recognize the achievements of companies and professionals in the field of mining and metallurgy for the demonstration and wide dissemination of good practices in this sector. Winners will be awarded with special awards; and for some categories cash awards will be provided.

For additional information about the event, check the official website www.amm.kz

The next industrial events by Kazakhstan exhibition company Iteca in MMI, road construction, municipal and specialized equipment will be held in Almaty from 16th to 18th of September, 2015.

Four pavilions of the "Atakent" exhibition center will traditionally combine three events:

  • "Mining equipment, extraction and benefication of ores and minerals" - MiningWorld Central Asia in 2015;
  •  "Road and industrial construction, municipal equipment" - KazComak 2015;
  •  "Metallurgy, metal processing and mechanical engineering" - Metaltech Central Asia 2015.
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