30th Central Asian International Mining Exploration & Mining Equipment Exhibition

30th Central Asian International Mining Exploration & Mining Equipment Exhibition

Kazakhstan mines over 111 million tons of coal in 2019

In 2019, Kazakhstani mining companies produced 111.1 million tons of coal, with a plan of 107.1 million tons, the press service of the Ministry of Industry and Infrastructure Development reported.

57.2 million tonnes of coal were shipped to energy-producing enterprises, 6.3 million tons of coal were shipped to industrial enterprises. 11.4 million tons of coal were shipped for household needs and the population, which is 92% compared to 2018.

“Coal is shipped to energy and industrial enterprises at selling prices of opencast mines under direct contracts. The bulk of coal for domestic consumers and the population is sold through commodity exchanges. The price of coal for household needs and the population consists of the price of shipment of the mine within 3-6 thousand million tons, depending on the conditions of development, railway tariffs for transportation, maintenance of rolling stock, exchange value of coal, as well as the margin of intermediary organizations and individuals delivering coal to the population,” the ministry said.

The export of raw materials amounted to about 28 million tons, or 96%, compared to 2018. The largest volumes of coal were exported to Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Belarus, Ukraine, and Turkey.

Explored coal reserves in Kazakhstan amount to almost 34 billion tons, or 4% of the world's reserves. Kazakhstan is among the TOP-10 countries in the world by this indicator. “The Roadmap for the development of the coal industry of Kazakhstan for 2019-2021 was developed and approved, as well as the Plan of the need for coal products for communal needs and the population for the period 2019-2020 was formed. The priority was given to the development of coal chemistry, as well as deeply integrated processing of coal to produce products with high added value,” the ministry recalled.


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