30th Central Asian International Mining Exploration & Mining Equipment Exhibition

30th Central Asian International Mining Exploration & Mining Equipment Exhibition

Mining and Metals Central Asia 2019 Grows by 38%

The milestone 25th Central Asian international mining exploration and mining equipment exhibition Mining and Metals Central Asia 2019 and the 16th Kazakhstan International Exhibition Kazcomak 2019 have been conducted in Almaty on September 18-20, 2019. The latter focuses on special equipment, road and heavy construction and communal machinery.

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This year, Mining and Metals Central Asia grew by 37.8%, displaying proposals from 326 companies from 31 countries in 90 thematic areas related to equipment, technology and services for the mining and metals sector.

The official opening ceremony was attended by: Bakhytzhan Sapiev, Deputy Chairman of the Committee for Industrial Development and Industrial Safety of the Ministry of Industry and Infrastructure Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan; Nurlan Saurambaev, Chief Business Development Director of NC Tau-Ken Samruk; Tulegen Mukhanov, First Deputy Executive Director of the Republican Association of Mining and Metals Enterprises; top managers of Polymetal Eurasia, Kazakhmys, ERG, KAZ Minerals, as well as industry unions and associations.

"Today, the mining and metals industry in Kazakhstan is a backbone sector of the economy, with an extensive transport and logistics, service, and processing infrastructure. The mining and metals industry accounts for about 7% of GDP, 25% of industrial production, and 24% of all exports.

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The industry is represented by more than 800 enterprises and 185,000 jobs. Over the past 10 years, about 120 projects have been put into operation as part of the industrialization program," said Bakhytzhan Sapiev.

In his turn, Tulegen Mukhanov, First Deputy Executive Director of the Republican Association of Mining and Metals Enterprises, noted that the Association members meet with every exhibitor, look into technologies, and arrange meetings.

"As part of Mining and Metals Central Asia 2019, we have already held meetings with 16 Canadian companies, several French companies that are interested in our market. The exhibition makes a huge contribution to the development of business relations between companies from different countries.

Thanks to Mining and Metals Central Asia, the competitive performance of the mining and metals industry in Kazakhstan is also growing in many ways," Tulegen Mukhanov said at the exhibition opening.

National and collective stands are displayed at the exhibitions, which speaks to the fact that the governments of the participating countries or regions are interested in penetrating the Kazakhstan market. This year, nine countries presented their national stands: Austria, Germany, Canada, China, Norway, Poland, Finland, the UK, and India.

The outdoor display was represented by 20 participants who demonstrated about 25 types of vehicles.

This year, an informative business program for exhibitors and guests has been prepared. For industry specialists, 20 events have been organized.

Representatives of the company Polymetal Eurasia, a key player in precious metals mining with assets in Russia and Kazakhstan, for the first time told about the procurement activities of its subsidiaries: Bakyrchikskoye Mining Enterprise LLP, Varvarinskoye JSC and Komarovskoye Mining Enterprise LLP. Procedures and Requirements at a specially organized workshop.

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And the national mining company Tau-Ken Samruk held a panel discussion on the topic "The Way from Junior to Champion". It has initiated and promoted a support program for junior companies, and pursues to design a vertically integrated structure aimed at providing a powerful impetus to the development of the geological survey and metals industry.

Over a quarter of a century, the exhibition has attracted about 7,000 companies, over 50,000 MMC professionals from 40 countries, with over 3,000 contracts concluded. The technologies displayed at the exhibition have already been put to use in the fields and productions of Kazakhstan mining and metals industry.

Over this period, companies such as Epiroc, Sandvik Mining and Construction Kazakhstan, ORIENTAL CO LTD, Outotec have stayed true to the best industry traditions and participated in Mining and Metals Central Asia every year.

The exhibition is supported by the Ministry of Industry and Infrastructure Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Committee of Geology and Subsoil Use under the Ministry of Industry and New Technology of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Association of Mining and Metals Enterprises of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Tau-Ken Samruk National Mining Company JSC, Kazgeology JSC, Almaty City mayor administration, and diplomatic missions of participating countries.

The events were organized by Kazakhstan Iteca together with its international partners: ITE Group (UK), GIMA (Germany), MetisEvents (Turkey), VISTA (China), IEC Poland (Poland), ITE Eurasia (UAE).

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