Presentation of the program of the 25th Anniversary of the World Mining Congress, the influence of the event on the development of the mining and metallurgical industry of Kazakhstan
During the press conference in the Central Communications Service, the leadership of the Organizational Committee of the WMC 2018 told about the importance of the event for the development of one of the most important sectors of Kazakhstan and the program of the event.
June 19-21, 2018 in Astana will be the 25th jubilee World Mining Congress.
Speakers: Almas BATANOV, Chairman of the Committee for Industrial Development and Industrial Safety of the Ministry of Investment and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Albert RAU, Deputy of the Majilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Nikolay RADOSTOVETS, Executive Director of the Association of Mining and Metallurgical Enterprises, Kanat BAITOV, Deputy Chairman of the Committee for Industrial Development and Industrial Safety, Abdurasul ZHARMENOV, The General Director of the National Center for Complex Processing of Mineral Raw Materials and Yuri BORODIKHIN, Director of Iteca.
The World Mining Congress is the largest industry event in MMC, which takes place every 2-3 years. The WMC is composed of world experts and scientists from 49 countries. The first Congress was held in September 1958 in Warsaw (Poland).
The World Mining Congress 2018 will be held in Astana, in the Congress Center on the territory of "EXPO 2017".
In the program of the 25th anniversary World Mining Congress there is a number of specialized sessions that cover the range of topics of MMC: from exploration and production to enrichment, from risk assessment to attracting international financing. In parallel with the conference there will be an international specialized exhibition of equipment and technologies for the mining industry, and a number of industrial excursions to familiarize participants with scientific institutions and industrial enterprises of Kazakhstan.
As Albert Rau reported : "Such a large-scale event of world significance is held for the first time not only in Kazakhstan, but also in the territory of the CIS. And our country was chosen not accidentally for holding the jubilee Congress - the resources of Kazakhstan are a rich mineral resource base: 99 elements of the periodic table, 5000 operating deposits, more than 60 elements are used in production".
Also, the speaker called the high indicators of the domestic industry an important factor: in 2017 the volume of the mining industry grew by 9.3%, in the processing industry - by 5.1%. The extraction of ores of non-ferrous metals and iron ore increased by 8.2% and 6.9%. There was also a positive trend in the metallurgical sector - an increase in production: in ferrous metallurgy by 6.6%, while in non-ferrous metallurgy production growth was 5.5%.
As a result of the World Mining Congress, the organizers expect a positive impact on the development of the industry in Kazakhstan, due to the increase in the number of exploration and production projects, the expansion of the subsoil user base in Kazakhstan.
Also, the international event promotes attraction to geological exploration projects, large world companies and specialized investment organizations with small capitalization.
The holding of the World Mining Congress in Astana will make it possible to attract financial institutions and investors to the MMC of Kazakhstan, taking into account the protection of investors on the basis of a special legal regime operating in the territory of the Astana International Financial Centre. The opportunities and nuances within M&A (mergers and acquisitions) in the territory of Kazakhstan in the mining sector will be disclosed.
The importance of the topic of investment, the optimization of management processes and the introduction of innovative solutions is also reflected in the program of Congress - a session is planned with the participation of Maxim Baranov, Director of PricewaterhouseCoupers Russia (the leader company of the big audit four) as moderator.
Within the framework of the WMC will be the international investment conference "Mines & Money". This is the leading international event for attracting capital and investment in mining projects, where investors and subsoil users combine to negotiate, discuss investment options, analyze the market and share knowledge. The latest trends in the development of the MMC market will be announced at Mines&Money. Mines & Money events take place in Australia, Hong Kong, London, Toronto and New York.
The holding of the World Mining Congress is a valuable event in scientific and technical circles, as for two decades unique projects and developments were presented within the framework of the Congress, later applied at the largest production facilities all over the world.
At the Congress of 2018 in Astana, a large number of scientific institutes, in research and the latest developments, which are interested in the largest companies of the industry, will take part.
As Mr. Batanov Almas Sultanuli (Chairman of the Committee for Industrial Development and Industrial Safety of the Ministry of Investment and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan) declared: "The Ministry of Investment and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the MMC sector is carrying out the latest reforms aimed at increasing the competitiveness of the subsoil use sector of the Republic of Kazakhstan in order to create comfortable conditions for investors, and to raise the technological and professional level of industries. For example, the introduction of a new draft Code "On Subsoil and Subsoil Use" on the basis of the world's best practices involving the introduction of conceptual and "breakthrough" innovations ".
In the work of the 25th World Mining Congress, more than 2,000 delegates from 50 countries, 368 authors-speakers from 37 countries, 58 associations from 25 countries, 62 universities from 26 countries of the world.
Over 220 companies from 21 countries will be represented at the exhibition.
It is expected that high-ranking guests will take part in the WMC: Prime Ministers of Poland and Australia.
Organizer of the WMC 2018:
Ministry of Investment and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Slogan of the World Mining Congress:
"Innovative superiority is a step forward towards the growth of the world mining industry"
Jubilee dates of 2018 within the framework of the WMC:
• 60 years from the day of the foundation of the WMC
• 25th jubilee WMC
• 20 years of the capital of Kazakhstan, the city of Astana
• 2500 specialists of the MMC sector (investment funds, major mining companies, hedge funds, junior companies)
• more than 300 investors
• In the framework of Mines&Money London 2016, 1432 business meetings took place
• Transactions with averagely over $ 900,000 (* M&M Hong Kong 2017 data)
• 60 countries, 5 continents
WMC 2018 was presented on November 28 in the framework of Mines&Money in London.
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