30th Central Asian International Mining Exploration & Mining Equipment Exhibition

30th Central Asian International Mining Exploration & Mining Equipment Exhibition

Results of MiningWorld Central Asia, Kazcomak, Metaltech CA 2017: More than 2,000 specialists got to know the technological novelties of the mining industry

The best domestic and world manufacturers presented all the most effective technologies, modern equipment and machinery for the development and modernization of the mining industry. The event was attended by the leading specialists, heads and owners of the largest enterprises, representatives of the public sector of Kazakhstan and other countries’ mining industry.

In Almaty from September 20 to 22 the 23rd Central Asian International Mining Exploration & Mining Equipment Exhibition - MiningWorld Central Asia 2017 took place. In parallel, the industry-specific exhibitions: the 14th Kazakhstan International Road and Heavy Construction, Communal Machinery Exhibition - Kazcomak-2017 and the 3rd Kazakhstan International Metalwork Technologies and Equipment Exhibition - Metaltech-2017 were held.

The Official Opening Ceremony of the exhibitions, which took place on September 20, 2017 in the territory of Atakent Exhibition Center, was attended by: Aibek Izhanov, Head of the State Institution “South Kazakhstan Interregional Department of Geology and Subsoil Use of the Committee for Geology and Subsoil Use of the Ministry of Investments and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan” “Yuzhkaznedra” in Almaty city”; Tulegen Mukhanov, First Deputy Executive Director, “Republican Association of Mining and Metallurgical Enterprises”; Her Excellency Ms. Keitumetsi Seipelo Thandeka Matthews, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of South Africa to the Republic of Kazakhstan; Mr. Jörn Rosenberg, Consul General of Germany; Kudryashev Igor Yuryevich, Deputy Trade Representative of the Russian Federation in the Republic of Kazakhstan; and Andrzej Stefansky, Commissioner of the National Section of Poland at Astana Expo 2017.

According to Aibek Izhanov, the exhibition MiningWorld Central Asia has become an excellent platform for international cooperation and exchange of experience. “Over the years of the exhibition, it has become a reputable platform for discussing and making practical decisions in the mining sector. I am confident that the work of the exhibition will contribute to the development of the mining industry in Kazakhstan. It is one of the priority directions of the development of Kazakhstan’s economy. Due to the latest planned changes in the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the expected adoption of the code, the further development of the national data bank, and the development of a geological cluster in Almaty, the work of the exhibition will contribute to the further development of the mining sector”, - said Aibek Izhanov.

The organizers note a 25% increase in the exposition of MiningWorld Central Asia in 2017. The exhibition was attended by 271 companies from 28 countries – the leading manufacturers and distributors of equipment, technologies and services for mining and processing complexes, including: Aramine, Caterpillar, CFTGroup, Dressta, Weir, MetsoMinerals, FLSMidth, Sandvik, AtlasCopco, Thrane, Outotec , Thyssenkrupp, Uralmash, Drobmash, Belaz and many others. The international status of the exhibition is confirmed by the participation of the following countries: Australia, Austria, Great Britain, Germany, Israel, Iran, Spain, Italy, Kazakhstan, Canada, China, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Republic of Belarus, Republic of Korea, Russia, Singapore, Slovenia, the USA, Turkey, Ukraine, Finland, France, the Czech Republic, Switzerland, Sweden and South Africa.

In the framework of the exhibition the exhibitors’ novelties were presented. For example, FLSmidth presented an innovative flotation mechanism for increasing energy efficiency in the mining industry, Fleet & Equipment Solutions introduced a new asphalt paver and a crawler excavator from Volvo, new models of tires for large vehicles were presented by Bohnenkamp and “Professional” LLC presented new attachable equipment. A wide range of equipment intended for the mining industry was presented by the companies: McLanahan, Sandvik Mining and Rock Technology, Metso, the plant of “EZTM” OJCS, CFT GmbH, etc.

The excavation and mining equipment of the companies: IPC Machines, Turkuaz Machinery, ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions Kazakhstan, Borusan Makina Kazakhstan, Fleet & Equipment Solutions and others was presented at the outdoor exposition.

Along with the growth of the exposition, the number of visitors at the exhibitions increased, which in 2017 was more than 2,000 field-oriented specialists from the countries as Australia, Western and Eastern Europe, Central Asia, Russia, Canada, South America, the USA, South Africa and Japan.

The Director of FUTLINE Oleg Boronin noted that the exhibition MiningWorld Central Asia is a convenient platform that not only unites key partners of companies in one place, but also helps significantly expand the scope of cooperation. “The exhibition is very fruitful, effective; there are a lot of clients we gained due to this exhibition. Here we met those partners whom we wanted to meet for a long time and talk about in detail, but couldn’t because they are in different cities and countries, - said Oleg Boronin.

In addition to the exposition component, the exhibition presented an extensive business program on the most topical issues of the industry: thematic round tables, presentations and seminars, at which the participants discussed various technical issues, as well as the prospects for cooperation and investment projects.

The Association of British Mining Equipment Companies (ABMEC) took part in the exhibition for the first time, and the British Embassy’s International Trade Department presented the mechanisms for cooperation in the mining sector in the framework of Industrialization 4.0. The British companies successfully work in Kazakhstan and invest in the economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, providing advanced technology and developing the experience and skills of their employees.

In the framework of the exhibition the presentation of the World Mining Congress (WMC) was held, which will take place in Astana on June 19-22, 2018 in the new Congress Center. The exhibition MiningWorld Central Asia will change its location next year, which will expand its exposition within the WMC.

The Ministry of Investments and Development of the RK, the Committee of Geology and Subsoil Use of the Ministry of Industry and New Technologies of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Association of Mining and Metallurgical Enterprises of Kazakhstan, the National Mining Company Tau-Ken Samruk, “Kazgeology” JSC, the Local Administration of Almaty city and the diplomatic missions of the participating countries.

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