30th Central Asian International Mining Exploration & Mining Equipment Exhibition

30th Central Asian International Mining Exploration & Mining Equipment Exhibition

STEINERT Company: Magnetic and sensor-based sorting

STEINERT logo 260Our STEINERT KSS FLIXT combination sensor sorting system – the all-in-one with XRT (x-ray transmission). The multi-sensory response to increasingly complex requirements in material separation.

We have harmonized four sensor systems in this combination sensor sorting system. Two optical sensors provide color and three-dimensional shape information, the inductive sensor detects metals and differences in density are detected using x-ray transmission.

The logical combination of multi-sensory data collected for each individual object enables a wide variety of tasks to be covered by just one sorting machine. This combination is therefore frequently used as a stand-alone solution integrated into a processing concept – significantly expanding the sorting depth even for smaller mass flows. Customized equipment and program creation are mandatory.

The combination of x-ray transmission (XRT) and 3D enables an additional evaluation of object characteristics and makes our system less sensitive to great differences in the sortable material.

The STEINERT KSS FLI XT is a combination of:
F = colour detection
L = laser (3D detection)
I = inductive sensor
XT = x-ray transmission
• Additional evaluation of object characteristics in density sorting;
• Increase in sorting depth;
• The solution of different sorting tasks by an all-in-one machine;
• Can be used in online or batch mode.

STEINERT Company is an Exhibitor of the 25th Anniversary Exhibition of Mining & Metals Central Asia – Central Asian International Mining Exploration & Mining Equipment Exhibition. Visit the company's stand you can on September 18-20 from 10:00 to 18:00, Atakent Exhibition Center, Almaty.

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