30th Central Asian International Mining Exploration & Mining Equipment Exhibition

30th Central Asian International Mining Exploration & Mining Equipment Exhibition

The Conveyor equipment from H+E Logistik company

HE logo 260H+E Logistik supplies tunnel conveyor belt systems, back-up conveyors for tunnel boring machines, horizontal and vertical conveying systems and stackers with frequency control for the underground mining, process plants, metallurgy, and other industries.

- tunnel conveyor belt systems;
- back-up conveyors for tunnel boring machines;
- horizontal and vertical conveying systems for mining;
- stackers;
- horizontal and vertical storages;
- conveyors for process plants.

H+E Logistik Company is an Exhibitor of the 25th Anniversary Exhibition of Mining & Metals Central Asia – Central Asian international Mining Exploration & Mining Equipment Exhibition. Visit the company's stand you can on September 18-20 from 10:00 to 18:00, Atakent Exhibition Center, Almaty.

Visit the company's website

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