30th Central Asian International Mining Exploration & Mining Equipment Exhibition

30th Central Asian International Mining Exploration & Mining Equipment Exhibition

NORDMEYER SMAG mining vehicles and drilling machines

NORDMEYER SMAG MiningDrilling Technologies cmyk

NORDMEYER SMAG (Germany) has been developing and producing for over 40 years customer-specific mobile mining equipment for heavy-duty surface and underground deployment: drilling machines, roof-bolters, scalers, underground forklift trucks, transport vehicles, loaders, machines for installation, maintenance and other works. All equipment is characterized by high productivity and efficiency, reliability, durability, low cost of ownership and maintenance.

Nord foto

At the exhibition MiningWorld Central Asia 2018 we present the following equipment:

• Multifunctional underground forklift trucks ARKTUR is an ultimate machine for installation, maintenance, transportation and other auxiliary works. Productivity and the speed of works increase, and labor costs for maintenance and installation works reduced due to the use of the attachable equipment.

• Scaler PROXIMA I provides a high-quality, fast and safe roof scaling and can also be used as a hydraulic rock breaker. Due to the elaborate balancing, strong massive frame and powerful counterweight, the scaler has a very stable structure and a large mass, which, despite its relatively small dimensions, provides the necessary stability in operation even without the use of supports.

• Roof-bolter FA is designed for installation of all types and sizes of bolts, high accuracy of hole drilling and installation of bolts is provided by work process automation, drilling and installation of roof bolting can be done from a diesel motor as well, a cassette capacity is 10-20 bolts.

Multifunctional transport vehicle TAURUS with a crane and exchangeable cassettes was developed to optimize freight logistics by minimizing the number of machines and a large number of cassettes instead of many specialized machines. TAURUS uses several dozen types of cassettes, such as a concrete mixer, repair shop, cassettes for fuel and lubricant materials and various goods - bolts, wheels, machine components, bulk cargoes, etc.
We look forward to welcome you at our booth A87 hall A.

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