30th Central Asian International Mining Exploration & Mining Equipment Exhibition

30th Central Asian International Mining Exploration & Mining Equipment Exhibition

Köppern at the exhibition MiningWorld Central Asia-2017

Köppern produces HPGR for grinding, briquetting and compaction since 1898. During this time, the material processing technology with roller presses has proved their economic efficiency and showed maximum ecological compatibility.

High-pressure grinding roll presses (HPGRs) are emerging as an importantPhilip1 comminution technology in the minerals processing and cement industries. The technology has found its key application in the liberation of diamonds, primary crushing of gold and iron ore and regrinding of concentrate for pellets production. The list of applications is continuing to expand to such industries as copper, nickel, zinc, vanadium and molybdenum ores, bauxites and many more.          

The advantages of HPGR technology in comparison to conventional crushing and grinding methods are reached through increase of capacity in combination with - potential benefits to the separation kinetics of downstream processes such as floatation and leaching as consequence of residual micro-cracks generation in the crushed product;
- low energy requirements;
- increase of valuable product yield and efficiency of grinding;
- low space requirements;
- high availability.
- high availability.                                                                                                       Philip2

Briquetting with roller presses is the oldest application among being developed by Köppern. It is already 150 years old. Briquetting process may be hot or cold. Cold briquetting is applied when temperature of feed material is around 100 °С. Hot briquetting is processing materials with temperatures up to 800 °С. The range of materials suitable for briquetting is quite wide and includes ores, metal concentrates, metal residues, limestone, coal and etc.


We will be glad to see you at our booth C190/6 in Pavilion 9C at the exhibition

MiningWorld Central Asia 2017!

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