30th Central Asian International Mining Exploration & Mining Equipment Exhibition

30th Central Asian International Mining Exploration & Mining Equipment Exhibition

McKinsey &Co to train 1,200 employees MMC new technologies annually

Competence center of mining and smelting complex is being created as part of "PIT" and «McKinsey & Company». The center will provide training to 1,200 professionals per year, CEO of autonomous cluster fund "Innovative Technology Park" (PIT) Sanzhar Kettebekov said at a press conference.

"Together with «Materia» and «McKinsey & Company» it is planned to launch the Centre for new materials and additive technologies. «Materia» is a platform for new materials from petroleum and is interested in further development of materials for 3D printers. In 2016, it is planned to develop two pilot projects, aimed at obtaining anti-corrosion coatings for pipelines and new composite materials. «McKinsey & Company» invests 50% in the project and attracts other multinational companies. In addition, as part of cooperation "PIT" and «McKinsey & Company» creates Competence Center of mining and metallurgical complex, opening is planned in the second half of 2016 in Almaty. The center will provide training to the latest technology to 1,200 professionals per year ", - said S. Kettebekov.

The sum of the first investments of both sides amounts to about 220 million tenge.

In addition, in 2017 "PIT" with IBM creates the Center of Financial Technologies. This center will train specialists in advanced financial technologies, in particular, Blokcheyn technology.

"In 2017 it is planned to establish a center for smart technologies. Until the end of 2019 we will launch the city center on new energy and clean technologies with a focus on energy storage systems and nanotechnology", - said S. Kettebekov, according to Strategy2050.kz (original).

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