30th Central Asian International Mining Exploration & Mining Equipment Exhibition

30th Central Asian International Mining Exploration & Mining Equipment Exhibition

Kazakhstan increases uranium production in 2015

Kazakhstan increased uranium production up to 23.8 million tons in 2015, Kazakhstan's national atomic company Kazatomprom said Jan. 18.

Kazakhstan produced 22,829 tons of uranium in 2014.

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Thus, Kazakhstan maintained its positions of the largest producer of uranium in the world, the statement said.

During this period Kazatomprom (including interests in subsidiaries and affiliates) produced 13,000 tons of uranium, the statement said.

Ulba Metallurgical Plant (Kazatomprom’s subsidiary) produced 141,251 tons of tantalum products, 96,944 tons of niobium products and 1,687 tons of beryllium products in the reporting period.

Mangistau Atomic Power Plant - Kazatomprom generated over 4.89 billion kilowatt / hours of electricity, 3.592 million Gcal of heat energy, 1.214 bcm, including 11.397 mcm of drinking water in 2015.

Uranium Enrichment Center produced the enriched uranium in excess of 5.107 million separative work units in 2015.


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