30th Central Asian International Mining Exploration & Mining Equipment Exhibition

30th Central Asian International Mining Exploration & Mining Equipment Exhibition


Spirit Research and Production Company LLC acts as an industrial partner in the implementation of the scientific and technical program of the full innovation cycle “Clean Coal - Green Kuzbass”, aimed at creating a complex of technologies that contribute to a consistent reduction of the environmental burden while increasing the efficiency of coal mining and processing.


Spirit carries out its work under the program in cooperation with its participant - the Institute of the Earth's Crust of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The task of Spirit and Earth's Crust of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences is the development and introduction of technology for the concentration of sludge from hydraulic-mine dumps and stale tails of coal-cleaning plants with the production of coal concentrate using environmentally friendly technology at low energy costs. “The tailings dumps of coal-cleaning plants are overflowing. It is necessary to build new hydraulic-mine dumps. However, this entails significant financial costs and the need to withdraw lands from agricultural turnover. At the same time, huge hydraulic-mine dumps cause significant damage to the environment. We are developing modern technology to avoid these costs. Our specialists will carry out sampling and adapt the equipment to specific deposits. In 2024, we plan to install an assembly pilot plant with a capacity of 20-30 tons per hour in Kuzbass”, - said Sergey Prokopyev, General Director of Spirit.

The comprehensive program “Clean Coal – Green Kuzbass” was approved by the Government of the Russian Federation in May 2022. The responsible executor and coordinator of the comprehensive program is the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation, the co-executor is the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation.

The program includes 15 major projects that solve the problems of safe coal mining and processing, the creation of digital solutions and technologies for the coal industry, ecology and health saving. As a result of the implementation of innovative projects, over a thousand high-tech jobs will be created. Industrial partners and customers are giants of the coal and coal refining industry, innovative companies.
At the Mining & Metals Central Asia 2022 exhibition, Spirit Research and Production Company LLC will present equipment and services for mining and processing enterprises, namely:
studies of ores, sands and technogenic raw materials for concentration
development of effective processing technologies, development of technological regulations for the design, implementation of projects of new production facilities and technical re-equipment of existing ones
technological audit, service and maintenance of processing lines at factories and field complexes
manufacture, supply and commissioning of mineral processing equipment for processing raw and technogenic raw materials: scrubber-butars, screw separators (mineral, slurry, coal), hydrocyclone installations, screens, processing lines for the concentration of placer gold, iron, tin, tungsten ore, etc.

You can visit the exposition of the enterprise on September 20 - 22, Atakent Kazakhstan Center for Business Cooperation, Almaty.

 Get a ticket by following the link.

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