30th Central Asian International Mining Exploration & Mining Equipment Exhibition

30th Central Asian International Mining Exploration & Mining Equipment Exhibition


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The OKS Group of Companies combines modern mechanical-engineering and chemical enterprises that create a single industrial ecosystem, whose work is based on the principles of robotization, automation and digitalization of technological processes. The total staff of the OKS Group of Companies: over 450 people.

The nomenclature range of manufactured products of OKS LLC includes almost all rock bolting, used today in Russia and CIS countries, from fiberglass to friction, as well as polymer ampoules, frame supports, pipe products, metal structures and products made of polymer materials, which distinguishes the company from competitors.

One of the novelties produced at the enterprises of the OKS Group of Companies is a polymer solution for tightening the interframe space of arch support. This material is also the company's own development and is intended to replace the traditional reinforced concrete tightening.

It has a greater load-bearing capacity than reinforced concrete tightening. Initially, we designed it for the construction of ladders in coal mines, but after receiving the test certificates for bearing capacity, we realized that the possibilities of the material are much wider. If the supports are set at a distance of 50 cm from each other and the space between the frames is filled with our polymer material, it will withstand loads of up to 25 tons.

Thus, it will be able to protect both the equipment and the people in the underground mine. This is a not easily combustible material that does not accumulate an electrostatic charge, it is more convenient to install and operate, and its properties are better than reinforced concrete tightening.

Hurry up to schedule a meeting with the company at the Mining & Metals Central Asia exhibition – “Mining Equipment, Mining and Processing of Ores and Minerals”.
You can visit the exposition of the enterprise on September 20 - 22, Atakent Kazakhstan Center for Business Cooperation, Almaty.

Get a ticket by following the link.

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