The service time of Element liners for an HP800 crusher exceeded that of Metso
At a copper mining plant in the Chelyabinsk region, Russia, Element’s wear parts for a Metso HP800 cone crusher served longer than original sets of liners having a price 20% lower.
In the end of 2021, Mining Element, the manufacturer of spare and wear parts, delivered liners for an HP800 crusher at a copper mine in the Chelyabinsk region. The set of wear parts included a bowl liner, a cone liner, and a burning ring. Besides, when installing the parts the customer applied the epoxy compound NovaTHOR®.
Previously the plant used both OEM and alternative liners from other suppliers. Metso liners operated 600 m/h on average while the lifespan of the alternative ones didn’t exceed 550 m/h.
According to the regional representative of Nordfelt, in the course of the industrial test grinding bodies fell into the crusher four times. “Despite that, liners didn’t crack due to the high-quality alloy”, — the specialist noted.
In April 2022, when the service time reached 616 m/h the Element’s liner set was dismantled.
This industrial test demonstrated that alternative parts from Element are not inferior to the quality of Metso while having a more profitable price. Consequently, the customer ordered 20 sets of liners for HP crushers which will cover the annual demand of the plant.
You can meet with representatives of “Mining Element” and Nordfelt, its official dealer, at MMCA 2022 expo. Come visit the stand #9-052З, pavillion 9.
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